Chiropractic Care Helps Patients With Disc Herniations Causing Sciatica 
A study published in JMPT in Oct of 2010, found that in patients with an MRI visualized Lower Back (lumbar) disc herniation with sciatica, Chiropractic Care helped more often than not and allowed patients to avoid surgery.
The study entitled, Manipulation or microdiskectomy for sciatica? A prospective randomized clinical study found…
“60% of patients with sciatica who had failed other medical management benefited from spinal manipulation to the same degree as if they underwent surgical intervention.
Of 40% left unsatisfied, subsequent surgical intervention confers excellent outcome. Patients with symptomatic LDH failing medical management should consider spinal manipulation followed by surgery if warranted.”
In other words, for disc herniations it is generally recommended to start with chiropractic care before considering surgery.
The majority of patients improve with Chiropractic Care.
The 40% that did not improve were able to then have surgery, if warranted.
This is just one of a couple of hundred studies on chiropractic care and back / spinal pain and problems.
#Chiropractic #TexarkanaChiropractor #DiscHerniation #Sciatica #Relief #Care #Treatment
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