How Can We Help You Improve Your Health and Wellness?
The World Health Organization defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not just the absence of disease or sickness.
Health is optimal function of our bodies.
Chiropractic is typically associated with helping people recover from injuries like whiplash, sports injuries, back pain, neck pain, migraines, headaches, and ‘pinched’ nerves BUT…
Chiropractic can help people with so much beyond neck pain and back pain, even though we’re very good at helping those symptoms.
Chiropractic Injury and Pain Relief
Pain does tend to be what first drives someone to try chiropractic.
This often ranges from a recent injury like a car accident, sports injury, or work injury to headaches, spinal problems, problems in the extremities, nerve problems, and more.
In our practice, because of Dr. Hagebusch’s background in post-doctorate neurology we often see other people that are suffering with more complex problems like traumatic brain injuries/concussions, vertigo, balance issues, migraines, fibromyalgia, scoliosis, and more.
We also help many people improve their general health and wellness whether they have a chronic disease (many of our patients do) or not.
The reason so many people have so many chronic health problems and symptoms is because they’ve essentially been sold a lie.
The lie is that our genetics are the problem, there’s nothing we can do about it, lifestyle choices don’t matter, and we should go see an MD to get medications when things really go wrong.
We talked about how it was our epigenetics here (what we do and are exposed to in our life) that turn on or off genes.
It’s not the gene’s fault. It’s what has happened that really determines the vast majority of what happens.
If we want to improve our health and wellness, we must improve our sleep, diet, exercise, stress levels, and our dysfunctional movements. Addressing these things earlier is much better than later in the process.
It’s the only real path to wellness which is optimal function not just minimal symptoms.
Medications have an important place in helping people with various problems.
However so many of the problems can be improved without drugs or at least only using them temporarily.
Yet so few people ever know that they have any other options beyond medications. Medications have become thought of as healthcare.
There’s much more to health than taking medicine.
Many people are seeing their Medical Doctor and being put on multiple medications for a problem that the right chiropractic approach and lifestyle changes can solve.
They, the person suffering, just doesn’t know that a Chiropractor may be able to help and neither does their Medical Doctor whose expertise is primarily in helping symptoms of disease with medication and emergency interventions.
Again, without question, sometimes this is necessary.
However for so many people, failure to address the underlying problems though leads to more problems.
Addressing the cause of the pain or problem is critically important.
Failure to do so has led to a huge amount of suffering in so many people including unnecessary surgeries, the opiod crisis, loss of ability to enjoy life, loss of jobs, becoming disabled, and much more!
This approach of just taking medicine for every symptom we develop has also led tragic numbers of people taking multiple medications every day.
This is not to say that medicine is ‘bad.’
It’s not.
Different treatments are necessary for different people at different times.
However, for so many people chiropractic should be at least a part of the treatment.
Right now about 10% or so of our population sees a Chiropractor. This is millions of Chiropractic visits a year, but it’s a small part of the number that could be helped.,
A large percentage of the remaining 90% would be helped by joining them.
It would save so many people so much suffering.
Chiropractic is an important part of health care for everyone.
Unfortunately not enough people are taking advantage of it because we’ve been essentially sold the wrong idea about health, including pain and injuries.
The false idea that if you’re in pain you should take just pain relievers and the problem is handled. It’s not, whatever caused that pain is still a problem and it’s likely to worsen over time.
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