What You Probably Didn’t Know About Chiropractors…
Most people have no idea that chiropractors can specialize through post-doctorate training in a similar type of way that you might see other healthcare providers like MDs specialize into a particular area. Even though the practitioner can and generally still does see other general types of care.
Chiropractors have numerous post-doctorate specialties ranging from neurology, nutrition, radiology, internal ‘medicine‘ (DABCI), orthopedics, sports ‘medicine,’ rehabilitation, and much more.
For example, Dr. Hagebusch has taken over 500 post-doctorate hours in functional neurology which is focused on neurological diagnosis and treatment using non-drug, and non-surgical approaches to improve neurological dysfunction for a diverse group of conditions ranging from vertigo to migraines, other headaches, chronic pain, neuropathies, ‘pinched’ nerves, movement disorders, developmental delays and problems, and other brain based problems.
It’s important to note that many health problems not thought of as neurological problems are in fact at their root neurological or have a significant neurological component.
Dr. Hagebusch is a board eligible chiropractic neurologist which means he’s done all the coursework and in his case, hasn’t taken the exam to be board certified.
Dr. Hagebusch has also done a lot of post-doctorate training in clinical nutrition, interpreting labwork, personal injury (car accidents/motor vehicle injuries), and more.
This month, he’s doing a course in evaluating and treating neuro-inflammatory diseases of the brain.
About a month ago Dr. Hagebusch spent a weekend in Idaho to learn some of the latest advancements in corrective exercise and functional movements so he could better learn how to help rehabilitate various problems.
Healthcare and Health Information Continues Evolving.
One of the biggest tragedies in health care is that so many healthcare practitioners go to school, get the basics of their field, then basically quit learning even though knowledge in their field and related fields is growing at a phenomenal rate over time with massive advances in health, disease, wellness, and function.
Just like computers are obsolete in a relatively short period of time, so is our knowledge about health whether a person is an MD, a DC (doctor of chiropractic), PT, or any other health practitioner.
The only way a healthcare practitioner can stay current in order to better serve his or her patients is by taking an approach to never quit learning.
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