Would Adding Chiropractic Care To Your Medical Care Help You Get Out Of Pain and Improve Function?
That’s what researchers wanted to find out.
A study published in the journal Spine compared standard medical care with and without chiropractic care for treatment of acute low back pain among 18 to 35 year old active military personnel.
The researchers found what many other studies have shown…
Chiropractic helps people get out of pain and improve the ability to function in their day to day lives.
From the authors conclusions…
The results of this trial suggest that Chiropractic Treatment plus Medical Treatment was much better for decreasing pain and improving physical functioning when compared to Medical Treatment without Chiropractic Treatment, for men and women between 18 and 35 years of age with acute low back pain.
Low back pain is very common.
It costs people financially and takes a huge toll emotionally on those that suffer with back pain.
It is a major cause of disability both inside the military and outside in the civilian world.
What we’re commonly doing in healthcare is clearly not working for many people.
What are we commonly doing when experiencing low back pain?
Often it starts with waiting if the symptoms are mild pain or stiffness.
This is followed by over the counter pain relievers then if it continues… a trip to the family doctor or urgent care for some stronger prescription medications.
This may be followed by stronger medications then possibly injections then a trip to the surgeon’s office to see if surgery would help.
Only about 10% or so of the public sees a chiropractor.
Those that do, often get dramatic improvement in pain, spasms, and their ability to return to normal functioning as was seen in the study mentioned here.
If you suffer from musculoskeletal pain or related problems in the Texarkana area, we recommend giving us a call.
Dr. Hagebusch has helped thousands of Texarkana area residents feel better and get ‘back‘ to normal.
He’s here to help you too
Adding Chiropractic Manipulative Therapy to Standard Medical Care for Patients With Acute Low Back Pain: Results of a Pragmatic Randomized Comparative Effectiveness Study
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