Chiropractic works exceptionally well for so many people suffering from chronic pain.
Many people don’t know this because their doctor fails to refer to chiropractors even though it would likely help the person in front of them AND it’s much safer than going down the medication path that often leads to opiates and steroid injections.
Virtually all care has a place, BUT it makes sense to start with the safest most conservative FIRST.
See a Chiropractor first…
Not last.
It doesn’t make sense to start with more aggressive treatments that are more likely to cause side effects and harm.
Many people end up suffering for years in chronic pain simply because they didn’t see a chiropractor.
Anyone in Texarkana with an injury due to a car accident, work, sports, or chronic pain should consider coming in to see us.
We can probably help you, like Dr. Hagebusch has helped thousands of other Texarkana area residents.
Contact Us, We’re Here To Help!
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