This is a Great Question because… Chronic Pain Can Often Be Helped Dramatically IF The Right Treatment Is Given To The Right Person. Far too many people are suffering with Chronic Pain that is interfering with every part of their lives. Often there are some things that can be done to improve the pain – […]
Chronic Pain, Opiates Death Rates, and A Common Sense Alternative
Opioids Causing An ‘Alarming‘ Death Rate <Research> Most people know about the many possible side effects of using strong pain relievers like opiates. This is something that you might not know… Recent research finds that patients with opioid use disorder seen in the healthcare are more than 10 X more likely to die. This is a […]
“What do doctors think about chronic pain?”
Many patients have had bad experiences with chronic pain treatment and often feel like they've been written off by their doctor as either seeking drugs or that they have some psychological disorder. "What do doctors think about chronic pain?" Good question that probably runs through the mind of every chronic pain sufferer. Unfortunately, the question […]
Chronic Back Pain Associated With Significant Losses Of Brain Mass
Ongoing Back Pain is very likely causing you many problems beyond the suffering and losses of ability to enjoy your life. Chronic pain causes massive suffering that goes beyond what you feel in your body. Read below to find out how it effects your brain. The following is a brief discussion of important research into […]
Why Do I Still Have Back Pain?
Medications and Other Treatment Options for Back Pain Sufferers, A Look At Some Recent Research. What Works, What Doesn't and What Carries Greater Risks to Your Health! Back Pain is exceptionally common. If you suffer from Back Pain, then you've probably already discovered that many of the standard treatments don't take care of the problem. […]