MSG, Excitotoxins, Nutrasweet (Aspartame) and Fibromyalgia?? At first look, this seems like an unlikely candidate for causing/contributing to fibromyalgia symptoms. There is some evidence that supports removing it from your diet though. Excitotoxins are considered excitatory neuro toxins because of their influence on increasing glutamate levels. Glutamate is an excitatory neurotransmitter and too much can […]
Excitotoxins, Glutamate, MSG, Nutrasweet and Fibromyalgia
What is best way to improve the symptoms of fibromyalgia?
“What is best best way to improve the pain, fatigue, and other symptoms of fibromyalgia?” This is going to be a long discussion over many blog posts to help fibromyalgia patients better understand their problem and treatment options. FIRST! It’s best to work with a good practitioner to help you with this painful, often debilitating […]
Kids and Concussions, Sports Traumas that May Cause Lasting Effects
Sports do present some risks for kids (of course so does being sedentary). Kid's brains are particularly susceptible to problems. A recent study shows some long term effects of concussions in kids. From the article… "We noticed significant difficulty in completing the tasks among those with concussion history," says Marc Dalecki, postdoctoral candidate and lead […]
A Little Known Way To Quickly Improve Most Pain
Pain Can Often Be Helped Very Quickly In Many People That Are Suffering Through The Application Of This One Theory <Below> Whether that be from arthritis, a disc injury, a sports injury, headaches, and many other painful conditions with the proper application of this one well researched theory that most people have never heard before. Do […]
Implications for Chiropractic Changing Learning, Memory, Pain, Movement and More
Chiropractic Adjustments have a Profound Effect on the Brain according to a recent study published in the Journal of Neural Plasticity by Heidi Haavik, Kelly Holt, Bernadette Murphy and others. Implications for Chiropractic Changing Learning, Memory, Pain, Movement and More. From the article and Heidi Haavik: “We do know that spinal function does affect brain […]