An interesting study in the Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology finds that Chiropractic Adjustments change Brain Function through SensoriMotor Integration. Sensorimotor integration sounds like an incredibly complex process, but essentially what it means is that our brain’s take information from all the environmental sources (our senses that include the sense of knowing where our bodies are […]
Brain Changes After A Neck Adjustment
Texarkana Chiropractor Facebook Feed
“What Is A Chiropractor and How Do Chiropractors Treat?”
Chiropractors Evaluate and Treat A Variety Of Problems and Dysfunction with a primary focus on improving Neuro-Musculoskeletal Problems and Health. This tends to focus around pain (neck, back, extremities, chronic pain, etc) and injury recovery. Chiropractors also see a variety of other problems ranging from vertigo to degenerative conditions and many other chronic problems that can […]
Are You Suffering From A Chronic Autoimmune Condition? Check this out!
Can Some Simple Lifestyle Changes Help You Get Your Life Back? Medical Doctor Terry Wahls talks about her battle with severe, progressive MS (Multiple Sclerosis) and how she tried an alternative approach to managing her disease that led to incredible results!
“What Type Of Massage Is Best For Chronic Lower Back Pain?”
Massage can certainly help some cases of chronic back pain. There is no universal best type of massage for chronic pain/chronic back pain. I know this doesn’t answer your question but bear with me for a moment to explain. It will help you better understand what you should do to improve your chronic pain. Massage […]