"What do chiropractic adjustments do?" Great question! Most people associate the Chiropractic Adjustment with improving Back Pain, Neck Pain, Headaches. There is more to it. The question is a little broader than most people would realize. I believe this is one of the challenges of explaining why Chiropractors use an adjustment to people. In a way the question, […]
Chiropractic Provides Faster Relief for Lower Back Related Leg Pain
Study Demonstrates that Chiropractic Care Helps People with Back Related Leg Pain Get Out Of Pain More Quickly. People who suffer with back related leg pain often suffer more than those without radiating leg pain resulting in more missed days from work, greater pain, and more expensive (and often invasive) medical care. Researchers recently published […]
Chiropractic Helps Disc Herniations With Nerve Problems (Sciatica)
Chiropractic Care Helps Patients With Disc Herniations Causing Sciatica A study published in JMPT in Oct of 2010, found that in patients with an MRI visualized Lower Back (lumbar) disc herniation with sciatica, Chiropractic Care helped more often than not and allowed patients to avoid surgery. The study entitled, Manipulation or microdiskectomy for sciatica? A […]
Can Chiropractic Help Patients With Disc Herniations?
Clearing up a common misconception about Chiropractic Care and Disc Herniations. Can Chiropractic help pain and symptoms from herniated lumbar (lower back) discs and is it safe? Research published in JMPT looked at the results of Chiropractic Care In Patients with MRI Confirmed Disc Herniations. The patients were treated and followed for a year […]
Chiropractic Care For Lower Back (Lumbar) Disc Herniations
A recent study confirms the vast majority of patients with lumbar disc herniation can find relief with chiropractic. The study found that 90.5% of patients with disc herniations shown on MRI report significant improvements in pain and disability within three months with chiropractic adjustments. #TexarkanaChiropractor #DiscHerniations #LowBackPain http://www.jmptonline.org/article/S0161-4754(14)00034-7/abstract <- Study demonstrating that chiropractic dramatically improves […]