We have been discussing Neurological Inflammation which is due to changes in the brain’s immune system over the last several posts. The series is based upon some of the latest research presented by Dr. Kharrazian on neurological inflammation including the process, the causes, and natural treatments that helps the serious problem. The 1st post was […]
Neuro-Inflammation and Neurological Problems
Hey, this is Dr. Hagebusch! This post will briefly discuss a post-doctorate course I took, “Neuroinflammation Clinical Strategies and Treatment Applications” given by Dr. Datis Kharrazian. Dr. Kharrazian is a functional neurologist and PhD in immunology and researcher focusing on the brain, immune function. and autoimmunity. Dr. Kharrazian is probably best known for his work […]
Suffering From A Recent Car Accident In Texarkana?
Have You Been Injured In A Texarkana Area Car Accident? Many people look for a Chiropractor experienced in treating people injured in a crash that are having problems after an accident. Whiplash is a common term that describes how a person’s head and neck are whipped from back and forth during a collision like a […]
Texarkana Car Accident Injuries
Car Accidents Car accidents happen… unfortunately they happen to most people. Causing so many injuries in Texarkana and beyond. Seeing the right chiropractor after the accident should always be one of your first steps to see what, if anything, was injured. Seeing a chiropractor is important even if you are not feeling any pain at […]
Chiropractic Care For Whiplash
Whiplash is a term used to describe an injury to the spine often from a car accident. It describes the wave like whipping motion of the spine due to sudden forces that occur in a crash and other traumas. In a rear end collision, the neck is hyper-extended backwards due to the relatively heavy head […]