The reality about healthcare. What’s wrong with US Healthcare, why does it cost so much… and how to fix it! Aetna’s CEO Mark Bertolini highlights the two big drivers of health care costs in the U.S. He’s right about a few key things and makes one HUGE error in his discussion, more on that in […]
“What Type Of Massage Is Best For Chronic Lower Back Pain?”
Massage can certainly help some cases of chronic back pain. There is no universal best type of massage for chronic pain/chronic back pain. I know this doesn’t answer your question but bear with me for a moment to explain. It will help you better understand what you should do to improve your chronic pain. Massage […]
Pain Management Options For Pain and Chronic Pain (Texarkana and Beyond)
The Problem With Your Pain Management (Neck Pain, Back Pain, Migraines, Headaches, Disc Problems, Pinched Nerves, and More) and What To Do About It. The real problem with pain and what to do about it. Most people take pain relievers called NSAIDs for Back Pain. Some NSAIDs are common over the counter pain relievers and others […]
“How Can I Improve My Severe Chronic Pain After Spinal Surgery?”
“I had a spinal fusion in my back 2 years ago. I have been in severe pain since and have had to rely upon ever increasing amounts of narcotics that are now not helping my pain at all.” Recently, I was asked this question. Unfortunately, so many people fall into ever increasing chronic pain and […]
“I’m A Runner. Should I Take An Anti-Inflammatory Before Training?”
“Should I take an anti-inflammatory pain reliever before training to reduce pain, stiffness, and other symptoms from training?” Endurance Athletes like Cyclists, Runners, and Triathletes commonly take an ibuprofen, motrin, advil, or some other NSAID (diclofenac, celecoxib, rofecoxib) before training with the hopes that it would reduce inflammation and pain from pushing your body. The […]