Automobile Injuries And Neck Pain
If you’ve been injured in a Texarkana Car Accident, you should see us as soon as possible after the crash.
Here’s why…
Many people injured go to the ER after the accident where they’re quickly evaluated to make sure they have no broken bones and that they’re going to live.
The ER doctors specialize in life threatening emergencies.
This is where they excel in treatment. If you have internal bleeding, broken bones, etc then they can provide emergency care.
ER doctors and generally MDs are not trained to evaluate the less obvious spinal injuries to joints, ligaments, and even discs in many cases… even if they were, they don’t have the time or tools to do it in the ER.
This is why most people that go to the ER after an accident are given some pain relievers and maybe some muscle relaxers and told they’ll be ‘OK.”
The underlying injuries to the deeper spinal structures aren’t evaluated… let alone treated.
These are the injuries that generally worsen over time far too often leading to lifelong pain and even disability.
When these deeper soft tissue structures of the spine are injured, our bodies go through a series of steps in an attempt to heal the injuries the best it can.
Our bodies repair the torn and injured soft tissue with scar tissue.
This begins soon after the whiplash injuries within the first month.
It starts with inflammation which is a critical part of healing and then leads to scar tissue forming around the damage.
This scar tissue can form improperly if the right treatment isn’t done during this time.
This leads to excessive, weaker scar tissue in the area with greater pain and stiffness.
Chiropractors and Personal Injury.
Chiropractors that are experienced in treating personal injury from motor vehicle accidents can properly evaluate and begin treating these injuries early with gentle physical treatments that help to reduce pain and improve mobility so that the injuries heal properly.
This is why its essential to get the right treatment as soon as possible after your accident.
Many studies have found that a very large number of people injured in an accident are still experiencing problems years later.
We’ve helped so many Texarkana area residents get better from their whiplash injuries.
The question is who should you see after your accident in Texarkana?
A chiropractor experienced in handling injuries from car accidents is by far your best bet.
This is what we do at Hagebusch Chiropractic in Texarkana.
Dr. Hagebusch has helped thousand’s of Texarkana residents recover from whiplash and other car crash injuries.
He’s here to help you too!
If you’ve been injured in a recent (or even older) accident, we recommend coming in to see what Dr. Hagebusch can do to help you get better and quickly on the road to recovery.
There’s a good reason why so many other people involved in a car crash have trusted Dr. Hagebusch to help them get better.
If you need help recovering from an accident, call us. We’re here to help!
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