Politicians and Cancer In The News
It’s interesting, how recently both past VP, Joe Biden, and current President Trump have recently said they’re going to ‘cure cancer.’ A bold claim that was originally made by President Nixon. I’m sure whoever is elected the next President will dump extra money into cancer research.
They may all have good intentions, but here’s the real problem… they’re looking in the wrong place. They’re wanting some blockbuster new drug that will cure cancer.
Pardon my skepticism but the money needs to go where we can really make a big difference, in prevention.
Saying we’ll cure cancer with a drug is like losing your keys in the house and going outside to look for them.
It’s not likely to be the best place to invest your time… and that’s not to say we don’t need to help those with cancer. It’s just that a lot more needs to be done on the prevention side. You don’t suddenly get cancer. It develops over time. This is like virtually every disease that causes the majority of deaths and suffering in our country.

I lost my mother to breast cancer.
This is the last picture I have of her with my daughter. Carley was so cute that day. She wanted to dress up in a fancy dress to help my mom feel better. It worked.
Unfortunately, this is the last time my daughter would ever see her grandmother. My mom died 1 week later from her 3rd bout with breast cancer.
Cancer Research
The general theory that is the starting point for most cancer research is that cancer is a genetic mutation. This is where we’ve invested the vast majority of money virtually all of it in drug research generally targeting killing off the genetically damaged cells.
The challenge is that there have not been any identified any consistent genetic mutation that causes cancer, even though there are a variety of mutations in cancer cells. They’re all different even in the same person with the same cancer there may be thousands of different mutations.
Adding to the confusion is that so many different things cause cancer ranging from viruses to chemical exposure, tobacco, asbestos, oxidation, radiation and more!
Another thing that calls into question the genetic mutation theory is the fact that many things that cause metabolic (energy production) problems are associated with higher cancer rates including diabetes and being sedentary (not exercising).
The most interesting research which really strongly calls into question the theory that cancer is just genetic mutations is found in studies where researchers transplant cancer cells into healthy cells. This transplantation doesn’t result in cancer as would be expected.
The War On Cancer

It’s interesting that since President Nixon first declared war on cancer in 1971 that we really haven’t made too much progress on ‘curing cancer.’
A few cancers are more successfully treated like pediatric leukemia. On the flip side, many cancers are worse now.
Ultimately, the best solution is to really focus on prevention because like so many things, prevention is far better than cure. The worse the disease and the further along it is, the harder it gets to get your health back.
The good news about prevention is that there is strong evidence that lifestyle is a very good way to reduce risks…
- controlling blood sugar/insulin (with diet, exercise, etc),
- eating better by eliminating all processed foods (think grains, dairy, sugar, and seed oils which are the primary ingredients of the most processed foods) while
- cutting out highly processed seed oils, trans fats (hydrogenated fats), and deep fried foods,
- eliminating added sugars,
- exercising regularly,
- reducing stress,
- and all other things we all need to do to remain healthy and not just reduce cancer risks… because healthy habits lead to health and unhealthy ones lead you further from health and into disease.
Many people think of seeing a Chiropractor to fix their back pain, neck pain, pinched nerve, headache, or to recover better from a major trauma like a car accident.
We do these things often as Chiropractors, in fact every day.
We also, at least at Hagebusch Chiropractic, help people live healthier, more active lives by working with out Texarkana patients on other factors that are causing many of their health symptoms (including pain) and offering rehabilitation to move people from having problems with movement to being able to function better and fully.
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