Can Chiropractic Help Disc Herniations That Cause Back Pain and Sciatica?
A recent study looked at patients with lower back (lumbar) disc herniations and chiropractic treatment.
The results were incredible with 90.5% of people with disc herniations seen on MRI report reporting very significant improvement in pain and disability within 3 months with chiropractic adjustments.
From the back pain researchers…
“Significant improvement for all outcomes at all time points was reported (P < .0001). At 3 months, 90.5% of patients were “improved” with 88.0% “improved” at 1 year.
Although acute patients improved faster by 3 months, 81.8% of chronic patients reported “improvement” with 89.2% “improved” at 1 year.”
There were no adverse events reported.
“A large percentage of acute and importantly chronic lumbar disc herniation patients treated with chiropractic spinal manipulation reported clinically relevant improvement.“
Chiropractic Is Safe And Effective, Start Here To Avoid The Years Of Suffering.
We see people so often who have suffered needlessly for years from back pain and sciatica due to a disc herniation from a car accident, work injury, sports injury, fall, or just wear and tear over the years.
Many times they’ve had pain and problems doing their daily activities for years while they tried so many different treatments, but never seeing a chiropractor.
The story is almost always the same for them.
They had tried many different medical treatments including multiple medications, almost always muscle relaxers, opiates, steroids and steroid injections…
As well as physical therapy (PT) before being sent off to a surgeon and told they must have surgery or they are going to have some type of frightening prediction by the surgeon.
The reality is that sometimes a person might need surgery… the other side of that is many times a person does not as this study clearly shows us.
We previously discussed how whether a person with a back injury needs surgery or not is primarily dependent on what type of doctor they saw first, a Chiropractor or a Surgeon.
In fact, people were 28.5 X more likely to have surgery if they saw a Surgeon before seeing a Chiropractor.
If you’re suffering from back pain, sciatica, leg pain related to your back, or lower back disc herniations in Texarkana…
Come see us. Dr. Hagebusch (Hagebusch Chiropractic) is here to help like he has helped thousand’s of other Texarkana area residents get better without surgery.
Reference: J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2014 (Mar); 37 (3): 155-163
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