Our Bodies Are Truly Amazing.

1. On the left is normal pumped breast milk.
2. On the right is pumped breast milk after the same mother nursed her sick baby through the night.
The yellowish liquid indicates increased immune factors in the breast milk.
The mom’s body did this without her ever having to think about it to give her baby more immune support to to help her baby fight it’s infection.
Wow, this is really amazing!
This is the same intelligent immune system we each have that is constantly on the lookout to protect us by adapting to any bug, germ, or virus that may look to attack us.
Our immune system calls the troops into action when necessary and it generally does a remarkable job every minute of every day.
Support your body’s ability to remain healthy with healthy habits and a healthy lifestyle… adopt or maintain healthy habits eating right, exercise daily, get enough sleep, reduce stress, get outside in the sun, and spend some time doing things you love with people (you can still be around your immediate family unless they’re sick- then take some precautions).
This recent crisis with the corona virus really brings home the message that it’s important to get/stay healthy in order to improve our resilience.
Worried about the corona virus?
It makes sense to take some precautions but also focus on improving your health at this time so you become more resilient.
All the data coming out about the corona virus is showing that people with chronic diseases are at a much higher risk. Being as healthy as you can going forward is the best thing you can do to protect yourself.
You got this!
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