Here’s How You Can Get Started…
Back Pain and Sciatica Can Get Better.
In fact with our therapy, the vast majority of people get better without drugs or surgery.
Our focus is on finding the underlying cause of your back pain and sciatica, so that we create relief.
Because if we don’t find the cause of the problem it can never get better.
We use a comprehensive approach to finding the problem.
We know that we can’t just talk to you for 2 minutes and look at an x-ray or mri to determine what is really going on.
Unfortunately, many people are told they have an irreversible condition like arthritis, disc degeneration, or some disc problem that is causing the pain because it’s seen on a static image.
Imaging can help, but it does not in any way tell the whole story.
This is the mistake that most healthcare practitioners make.
Healthcare providers that rely strictly on symptoms and imaging is why so many people continue suffering with back pain and sciatica.
Many people have arthritis or disc problems that have been there for years, then suddenly begin having symptoms.
Does this mean that the condition seen on x-ray or mri is causing the pain?
Imaging can be very important.
We often get x-rays or mris on our patients here depending on what is found during the consultation and examination.
Clearly there’s more to it though…
- Say your pain began today.
- You didn’t have a major trauma or anything that you can really relate to what you’re feeling today.
- You were fine yesterday, no pain at all.
A quick trip to the family doctor and a couple of x-rays reveal degenerative disc disease.
This is a process that takes years if not decades to occur.
The family doctor says,
“The problem is the discs have worn out. Here’s some medicine. This is a lifelong condition that will cause problems forever and probably worsen with time.“
Here’s the million dollar question…
What would your x-ray have looked like yesterday when you felt fine?
Here’s the answer…
It would have looked exactly the same.
Hmm. Interesting, but yesterday you were pain free!
This means that something changed.
This is exactly what we determine with each of our patients.
What changed… what’s not working properly and causing your pain?
We find out, then we can get started helping to change the problem.
AND at our clinic, we want to make this both easy and affordable for you.
Affordable means just doing the things that are necessary to get you better.
Only imaging, including x-rays or MRI, that is absolutely necessary. No referrals out to a specialist unless it’s really your best course of action. No expensive medications or injections.
Easy means we will take care of our patients. The vast majority get better because we only take the cases we think have an excellent chance of getting better.
Having said that, the vast majority of people suffering with back pain, sciatica, arthritis, disc problems, and pinched nerves are treated here and get better.
If we don’t think that we’re the best place to help, we will help find the right place to get the care that each patient needs and deserves.
Please contact us soon because out new consultation spaces are limited.
Book by clicking on the link below and leave us your details.
Get A Free Consultation!We’ll get in touch with you as soon as we can (please be patient as we get a lot of inquiries).
We’re not going to try to sell anything.
We will simply and honestly discuss what’s happening and what is causing your back pain and/or sciatica.
We’ll also discuss the options available and advise on the best course of action going forwards.
Each patient at our clinic makes their own decision about their care and what they want to do.
The first step though is to discover what’s wrong and what are the treatment options that can help.
Click here, leave your details and we’ll take care of the rest…

- Relief for Back Pain and Sciatica
- Back and Sciatica Pain Relief
- Treat Back and Sciatic Pain
- Treatment for Back Pain and Sciatica
- Help for Back Pain and Sciatica
Let Us Help You Get Back To Normal, Click Here!
Get A Free Consultation!Dr. Marc Hagebusch
Hagebusch Chiropractic
I’ve helped thousands of Texarkana area residents with back pain, sciatica, pinched nerves, back injuries, hip problems, disc problems, and arthritis often after they were told there were no other options beyond more medications, injections, and surgery.
I’m here to help you too!
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