Zombies Walk The Earth and They’re Here In Texarkana!
They number millions of undead people. People who aren’t dead, but are they are suffering.
Like the zombies are unable to express their potential because they have lost so much of their health and wellness.

They’re limping along slowed by their pain, their poor energy levels, and the brain-numbing cocktail of medications they’re taking for every symptom they experience.
People suffering with weight gain, diabetes, chronic pain, arthritis, autoimmunity, neuro-degenerative problems, mental health problems, cardiovascular disease, and more.
These are the walking dead.
They’re doing everything they’re asked to do, seeing their doctors, and yet they keep having health problems ranging from pain, fatigue, stomach problems, headaches, to so many other issues that plague them day after day..
Americans take more medications, have more surgery, and get more advanced testing procedures than any other country in the world… Yet our health ranks among the worst of any country in the industrial world.
This really begs the question, “Why?”
If the secret to health were to take more medications, have more surgeries, or take more advanced testing procedures then we should be the healthiest country on Earth… BUT we’re not, not even close.
What if I told you that our healthcare system has nothing to do with health?
The care we tend to get is symptom based temporary relief when our symptoms get too bad.
It’s like we’re being over-run by a rapidly spreading zombie virus.
We have a special super-vaccine that actually works to prevent getting the super-contagious zombie virus, but we don’t ever go get it because we’re too busy and think we won’t get it even though it’s infected everyone around us.
We wait until we’re infected then we go searching for a treatment at that point.
We wait until often we’ve already had a lot of damage to our bodies and hope that someone will fix enough of the damage that we can limp back out into society until we’re broken down again like the zombie that’s crawling along the ground trying to get the next meal we go searching again for a miracle sure.
The super-secret anti-zombie virus does actually exist.

It’s a simple formula that helps most people get their lives back.
It does take some work and you need some help but you’re worth it and once you’ve immunized yourself, you can start doing the things you want to do… and you’ll be able to do them better whether it’s playing with your kids/grandkids, working your garden or lawn, playing golf, hunting, doing crafts. some other hobby, or anything else you enjoy doing.
What do you need to do to save yourself?
It mostly involves adopting healthy lifestyle habits with the right diet, exercise program, getting enough sleep, and reducing chronic stress. Boring stuff that’s hard to get done, I know! But to get what others don’t have (health), you have to do what others don’t do (adopt a healthy lifestyle).
If you’re not seeing a chiropractor, you need to find one that will help save you from joining the growing masses suffering from so many chronic health problems.
Need a Texarkana Chiropractor?
Make an appointment to see Dr. Hagebusch. He’s helped thousands of Texarkana area residents get their lives back and live happier, healthier lives with Chiropractic Care… and he’s here to help you too!
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