What’s the One Thing that will allow you to improve in every part of your life?
The One Thing that will help you feel better, sleep better, reduce stress, have more energy, perform better at home, work, and everywhere else.
It’s your health and wellness.
The problem is that too often we sacrifice our health for other things we want or need to do.
Real health/wellness doesn’t mean you have no symptoms.
It’s more than that.
Many people take multiple medications that improve their pain or other symptoms.
Maybe even mostly make them free of symptoms.
It does not make someone healthy though, even if the medication is necessary.
Hopefully just for a time while whatever is causing the symptom is improved.
Pain, headaches, and other symptoms mean there is a health problem.
Restating this because it’s very important, pain means that there’s a health problem.
It’s not normal and without question it can improve if the underlying problem is improved.
This is despite the fact that your doctor or specialist said there’s nothing else that can be done or maybe that surgery is your only option.
This is an opinion, often no more.
Often a different doctor or a different specialist would have a different opinion.
When a health care practitioner says there’s no other option, it really means that there’s nothing else that that doctor can do, whatever their specialty or practice is… it’s still an opinion.
A good example of this was a large study that showed if a person had serious low back pain whether they had to have surgery or not depended mostly on whether they saw a chiropractor or a surgeon.
This is despite an AMA article recommending Chiropractic before surgery which of course for most people would make sense.
Start with the least risky treatment that has the high rate of success.
The study mentioned above that found seeing a surgeon before a chiropractor for back pain led to a 28X greater chance of surgery REALLY begs the question, do you need the treatment suggested or is it an opinion?
I’ve seen countless people who had taken pain relievers for years without ever seeing a chiropractor.
Many continued suffering, getting worse, taking an ever growing number of medications… and too often suffering side effects.
Some had damaged their kidneys from taking pain medication including over the counter medicines while others damaged their liver.
I had one patient go into liver failure after mega-dosing tylenol after a car accident.
Recent research has really called into question the safety of even over the counter NSAID pain relievers like ibuprofen and naproxen with warnings about causing heart attacks.
Our bodies are exceptionally complex.
Every part works with the other parts. We have to be careful that we don’t sacrifice one problem for another that may be much worse.
Our greatest gift is our health.
We need to take care of it by adopting healthy habits.
Healthy habits create healthy people while unhealthy ones create unhealthy people.
At our Texarkana Clinic, we help people not just get out of pain, but to adopt healthier habits so that they can truly enjoy life and experience what it’s like to be performing at your best.
Need to see Dr. Hagebusch at our Texarkana Chiropractic Clinic?
Give Us A Call To Set Up Your Appointment.
We’re here to help you like we’ve helped thousand’s of other Texarkana area residents live healthier, more active, pain free lives!
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