Pain Can Often Be Helped Very Quickly In Many People That Are Suffering Through The Application Of This One Theory <Below>![how to reduce pain quickly](
Whether that be from arthritis, a disc injury, a sports injury, headaches, and many other painful conditions with the proper application of this one well researched theory that most people have never heard before.
Do you suffer with pain?
If so, bear with me for a minute while I explain an extremely important concept about pain and pain relief that has proven to be a key in helping people get out of pain.
Over 50 years ago, a major breakthrough in understanding pain was put forth by 2 leading pain researchers, Melczak and Wall. These 2 researchers published a theory known as the gate theory of pain that has since become exceptionally well supported.
Here's the basic idea behind The Pain Gate…
Pain is not directly proportional to activity in the 'pain' receptors (called nociceptors in medi-speak!), but instead pain is felt when the messages reach the brain.
There is a 'gate' in the nervous system that can open or close. If the gate is open then you are more likely to feel pain by allowing more messages to reach your brain. If the gate is closed, then you are less likely to experience pain.
So far, a pretty straight forward concept.
The 'catch' is that the pain gate is closed when specific types of nerves are activated. The primary types of nerves that turn off pain signals essentially originate from movement (predominately receptors in muscles and tendons).
This is critically important.
Basically how it works – improving movement closes the pain gate resulting in less pain. There's more to it than that, but this is the basic concept.
What this means is that properly applied movement based treatments reduce pain. Improving movement in stiff joints and tight muscles also reduce pain.
Unfortunately, this important pain research has not been translated into practical practice by most doctors treating pain today.
Here's the big exception… Movement based treatments are one area that we specialize in as chiropractors.
Chiropractors are experts at improving the motion of dysfunctional joints in the spine and extremities. This better motion leads to turning off pain, closing the gate and preventing it from reaching the brain leading to less pain.
What does this have to do with you and your pain?
If you're in pain, there is a huge opportunity for you to get better with the right application of chiropractic. It's important to be able to consider other parts of the nervous system and how it also influences pain.
This is why Dr. Hagebusch has gone through over 400 post-doctorate hours in functional neurology leading to becoming a board eligibile Chiropractic Neurologist.
If you are tired of living with pain, then give us a call at 903-793-1084 to find out how we can help you, even if everything else hasn't helped.
Hagebusch Chiropractic
Call us at 903-793-1084.
Have Pain? Give us a call, we want to help!
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