Giving Thanks
Thanksgiving is strongly associated with the very beginning of America’s history. Its origin goes back to the 16th century when the first thanksgiving dinner took place.
Throughout history in every culture, we have always had similar traditions of giving thanks for what we’ve been given. It seems to be innately wired into us and for good reason as it’s an important part of health… focusing on what we are fortunate enough to have and not just the things that trouble us.
The founding of modern day America began as 102 pilgrims huddled in the cargo space of the Mayflower crossed the Atlantic Ocean in 1620. The trip which can be taken in hours today, but took them sixty six days under very extreme conditions and storms.
The pilgrims arrived at Plymouth Rock of what would become Massachusetts on December 11th, 1620.
45% of pilgrims died after making the tough journey due to extreme cold of the winter.
In the spring of the following year, Squanto, a local native taught the pilgrims how to survive by growing food.
We believe the 1st Thanksgiving occurred in Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1621, as a celebration of a good harvest when pilgrims shared a meal with their Native American neighbors.
Other historians say the 1st Thanksgiving took place a century earlier in Florida with Spanish settlers.
Who knows?
There weren’t great records kept back then so there could have been other instances and as mentioned, people have always had traditions and celebrations of giving thanks often thanking God for bountiful harvests.
A precursor to our modern Thanksgiving began 1789 when President Washington declared November 26, 1789 as a national day of “thanks giving and prayer.”
Modern Thanksgiving was established by President Roosevelt in 1941.
Regardless of the true story of what happened during the hardships the Pilgrims faced during that first winter, it’s important to spend some time each day to think about things that you’re grateful to have and experience.
It’s too east in our modern day to focus on all the problems we all face often. Instead focusing on the good can be a very good way to change your mindset about today and the future.
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