“I heard that after a head injury that I should fast. Is that a good idea?” It’s impossible to give specific recommendations for a person over the internet about a specific health problem. There’s a lot to consider when giving recommendations to someone. The term brain injury itself doesn’t really tell us very much. A […]
Archives for September 2021
Martial Arts, Combat Sports, and Concussion Risks
“Are there any martial arts or combat sports that are safe from concussions and CTE?“ CTE means chronic traumatic encephalopathy. This would be seen in cases of past head traumas and concussions, most often but not exclusively in repetitive traumas. There are no 100% safe martial art, combat sport, or other sport that guarantees you […]
Concussion Risks In Sports and Long Term Effects
“I have had several past concussions….” What are the risks if I do certain activities like skateboarding and boxing? What about playing high school football? People have to choose their own activities and be responsible for the risks those activities have… so taking a libertarian view on a person’s freedom to choose their activity – […]
“Can A Chiropractor Help Me?”
Answering a recent question from someone who has not previously seen a chiropractor. A large number of the patients we see for a first visit haven’t seen a chiropractor before coming in to our clinic. The question comes up in public or when someone first contacts us – Can Dr. Hagebusch help me? When someone […]
“How Do I Relieve Back Pain At Home?”
What can a person do to improve back pain at home? I cover many things here – including importantly various causes of back pain, different treatments and very under-appreciated home recommendations that can really help people with pain. Back pain can be caused from so many different things that it’s impossible to know what would […]