“Is it ok to keep taking it?” A couple of things. People commonly do things that have risk. Some get away with it, some do not. There is certainly reason for concern with chronic tylenol consumption. There are definitely risks and these may be increased with many different things including history of alcohol abuse, drug […]
Archives for February 2020
“I have chronic pain from an old injury.”
“My doctor thinks it might be due to inflammation.” Chronic pain is a complex process. There tend to be several things going on and we’ll talk about a very important one here so that you can better understand what to do about it if you’re ready to finally get rid of the ongoing pain. Chronic […]
What age should your child start football?
An interesting and frightening paper about youth football. We have seen in prior studies, the longer someone plays football, the greater their risk of CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy). A recent study looks at another factor, age the the player started playing football. It appears in this relatively small study of 211 autopsied brains with 84 […]
How The Spine ‘Feeds’ The Brain
Spinal movement is a strong driver of input into an area of the brain called the cerebellum. I know, it sounds complicated! We’ll keep it simple and look at why the spine is so important to our nervous system in this post. The spine is a primary driver of cerebellar and amazingly all brain function. […]
Understanding The Devastating Real Costs Of Diabetes
Research from the American Diabetes Association shows the total costs associated with those diagnosed with diabetes was $327 billion includes $237 billion in direct medical costs and $90 billion in reduced productivity. $1 out of every $7 spent on health care is related to diabetes and it’s complications. Diabetics have an average medical expenditure of […]