The Greatest Risk Factors that you will develop Dementia 14 Years before you get it. A recent article published on the Journal Of The American Medical Association site finds that… Elevated blood glucose is the best predictor of future dementia. Also associated were losing body mass and blood pressure dropping were associated. No association was […]
Archives for October 2018
Essential Fats and Mood Disorders
High omega 6 to omega 3 ratio predicts mood disorders in high risk people. ‘Vegetable‘ (seed) oils is very high in omega 6 fats. Fish oil is high in omega 3 fats (as are wild cold water fish). The balance of these 2 types of fats is important for many processes in the body. Of […]
Lose Weight Easily With This Breakfast Hack!
Could losing weight be as easy as changing your breakfast? Researchers found that a “carbohydrate restricted morning” breakfast leads to better weight loss, smaller waist size. Lower carb breakfasts can be a much better way to start the day instead of high carb, high sugar cereals, juice, and grains. The good news is that this […]
Spinal Problems Cause Brain Problems, Chiropractic Neurology VIDEO
‘Mild’ Spinal Dysfunction May Cause Serious Problems Far Beyond Pain and Stiffness Researchers looked at the effects of subclinical pain on brain function. Sub-clinical pain is this case means that the individuals had a history of mild pain or stiffness in the spine regardless of history of trauma. The people in the study were not […]
Eat A Better Breakfast for Better Energy, Weight Loss, and Blood Sugar Management
Eat A Better Breakfast for Better Energy, Weight Loss, and Blood Sugar Management. “I don’t understand why I keep gaining weight and I’m hungry all the time. I eat a good breakfast loaded with healthy whole grains!” A common thing we hear or think is that a healthy breakfast is loaded with grains and sugar. […]