Chronic Illnesses and Chronic Pain can be devastating to deal with, but there is reason for hope. Never give up if you are suffering with chronic pain or problems. Chronic pain and/or disease is not necessarily permanent disease. Chronic only refers to a process lasting 3 months or more. This is by definition. Having said […]
Archives for August 2017
Are You Suffering From A Chronic Autoimmune Condition? Check this out!
Can Some Simple Lifestyle Changes Help You Get Your Life Back? Medical Doctor Terry Wahls talks about her battle with severe, progressive MS (Multiple Sclerosis) and how she tried an alternative approach to managing her disease that led to incredible results!
“What Type Of Massage Is Best For Chronic Lower Back Pain?”
Massage can certainly help some cases of chronic back pain. There is no universal best type of massage for chronic pain/chronic back pain. I know this doesn’t answer your question but bear with me for a moment to explain. It will help you better understand what you should do to improve your chronic pain. Massage […]
“Is tinnitus related to back and/or neck problems?”
The question about ringing in your ears is a MUCH bigger one than you probably think, so bear with me as I try to explain some important things about this very troubling symptom. Tinnitus isn’t caused by any one thing. It’s causes vary from person to person, BUT there are some common findings in this neurological condition. Find Out More […]
Causes Of Neck Pain From Whiplash
Understanding Neck Pain and Whiplash After An Accident. Watch the video to better understand what causes the pain, stiffness, and spasms – and what you can do to recover from your injuries. If you’ve been in an accident and would like to see Dr. Hagebusch, Contact Us right away so that you can quickly get […]